Items map: Difference between revisions

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m (added item)
m (typo)
Line 604: Line 604:
| +14 items; +10 Skill XP
| +14 items; +10 Skill XP
|Crafted; '''8x''' Enchanting Stone, '''1x''' Axe, '''8x''' Laxis Ingot, '''16x''' Cherry Log
|Crafted; '''8x''' Enhancing Stone, '''1x''' Axe, '''8x''' Laxis Ingot, '''16x''' Cherry Log

Line 655: Line 655:
| +14 items; +10 Skill XP
| +14 items; +10 Skill XP
|Crafted; '''8x''' Enchanting Stone, '''1x''' Pickaxe, '''8x''' Laxis Ingot, '''16x''' Cherry Log
|Crafted; '''8x''' Enhancing Stone, '''1x''' Pickaxe, '''8x''' Laxis Ingot, '''16x''' Cherry Log

Revision as of 00:28, 25 March 2020

Bulbgraph.png This page currently in the process of updating to the latest information. All non-donator items have been added, however links are still broken. Feel free to help update them to the latest layout. Template can be found here

Items Map

You can buy the following items by using #!buy [item].


Healing items

Item Level Price Heals
Health-potion.png Health Potion 1 5 50
Sour Candy 1 N/A 5
Spicy Candy 1 N/A -5
Garlic Candy 1 N/A 0
MOUKN candy 1 N/A 7
Lemon.png Lemon 1 N/A 25
Lime.png Lime 1 N/A 27
Banana.png Banana 10 90 70
Candy.png Candy 1 N/A 5
Candycane.png Candy cane 1 N/A 100
Greaterhealthpotion.png Greater Health Potion 5 10 100
Carrot.png Carrot 5 60 10
Grape.png Grapes 5 15 10
Cherry.png Cherry 6 40 15
Even greater health potion.png Even Greater Health Potion 8 50 500
Shroom.png Mushroom 8 30 30
Cookie2.png Cookie 10 N/A 100
Apple.png Apple 10 80 65
Salad.png Salad 11 N/A 125
Burger.png Burger 12 N/A 150
Potato.png Potato 13 N/A 15
Lychee.png Lychee 30 15 5
Ham 15 N/A 25
Hamburger 15 N/A 75
Limon.png Limon 25 30 65
Veggie Burger 15 N/A -7
Tide Pod.png Tide Pod 1 N/A -500
Pineapple 1 N/A 25
Pineapple Pizza 1 N/A 250
Poisonvial.png Potion of Poison 1 N/A 0
Spaghetti.png Spaghetti 12 50 20
Watervial.png Water Vial 7 150 10
Cabbage 5 N/A -3
Bread.png Bread 5 N/A 75
  • For Health Potion, do #!heal, #!heal [amount], #!heal auto, #!use health potion or #!use health potion <amount].
  • For the rest, do #!use [item] or #!use [item] [amount].

Effect items

Item Level Price Effect
Charisma potion 3 N/A Grants the user a temporary increase in charisma.
Defense Potion 3 N/A Grants the user 3 hours of 1.25x increase in defense.
Luck Charm 50 N/A Grants the user 2 hours of 1.2x increase in xpboost.
Luck Potion 3 N/A Grants the user a temporary increase in luck.
Strength-potion.png Strength Potion 3 N/A Grants the user a temporary increase in strength.
Statscroll.png Attribute Scroll 25 10,000,000 Allows the user to reallocate their attribute points.
Beer 20 LUX Grants the user 2 hours of 1.35x increase in strength.



If you buy a weapon from the shop, it will be automatically equipped. You can equip another weapon with the #!use [item] command.

Standard Weapons
Item Level Price Min DMG Max DMG Additional
Small-dagger.png Small Dagger 1 N/A 1 5
Iron-sword.png Iron Sword 2 100 2 6
Iron-mace.png Iron Mace 3 500 5 10
Flail.png Iron Flail 4 750 7 12
Battleaxe.png Iron Battleaxe 7 2,500 10 15
Hammer.png Golden Hammer 10 4,500 13 18
Hammerofgaia.png Hammer of Gaia 11 7,000 14 21
Enhancedbow.png Enhanced Bow 12 9,500 16 25
Claws.png Claws 12 11,000 18 25
Burningsuperdeathsword.png Burning Super-Death Sword 13 13,000 20 26
Sharpenedsickle.png Sharpened Sickle 14 15,500 27 31
Fancywand.png Fancy Wand 15 19,000 32 36
Damptrident.png Damp Trident 16 22,500 38 41
Bronzefists.png Bronze Gauntlets 17 26,000 43 46
Scissorgloves.png Scissorgloves 18 29,500 48 52
Familycutlass.png Family Cutlass 19 32,000 53 56
Sadistsscythe.png Magy's Scythe 20 35,500 56 62
Bluecut.png Ghostly Scimitar 25 49,500 78 87
Hunterssorrow.png Hunters Sorrow 30 63,500 100 112
Citrus Blade 30 66,500 99 106
Yellowsword.png Peacemaker 35 79,000 115 130
Orchidsword.png Orchid Sword 40 100,000 132 144
Lightbow.png Light Longbow of Mourning 45 121,875 153 167
Conjurer.png Conjurer's Foresight 50 143,750 175 190
Vampiric Dagger 50 N/A 132 144 Crafted; Members Only; 1% Lifesteal
Raxe.png Fearsome Rust Axe of Hunting 55 165,625 192 213
Stoneaxe.png Beserk Stone Axe of Hunting 60 187,500 209 236
Nova Dagger 70 N/A 238 265 Crafted
Chivalicrapier.png Chivalic Rapier 75 200,000 200 222
Flintlockpistol.png Flintlock Pistol 80 230,000 245 270
Erinotite Staff 80 N/A 250 280 Crafted; Members Only; 3% Criticals
Zangetsu 90 432,432 119 461
Dice.png Die 91 654,321 0 600
Schwarz.png Schwarz Sieben Prototype Mk III 95 255,000 260 290
Blue Ceremonial Card 100 N/A 333 377 Obtained through #!getcard
Force.png Force Mithril Greatsword 120 350,000 310 360
Astralrod.png Astral Rod 142 555,555 377 433
Sadistsscythereturns.png Sadist's Scythe's Return 156 666,666 449 541
Indra.png Spear of Indra 200 1,000,000 600 666
Broken Iron Sword 225 1,200,000 700 750
Zsaber.png Z-Saber 250 1,600,000 740 830
Nova Energy Blade 250 N/A 736 832 Crafted
Iron Tomahawk 300 3,050,000 895 1,019
Nova Bladed Fan 312 N/A 932 1,064 Crafted
Polished obsidian battle-axe.png Polished Obsidian Battle-axe 350 4,500,000 1,050 1,208
Golden Small Dagger 350 N/A 1,000 1,100 Crafted, 3% Gold Boost
Engraved Silver Musket 400 6,000,000 1,200 1,389
Toast.png Toast 420 8,888,888 855 1,666
Menacing bardiche of bloodletting.png Menacing Bardiche of Bloodletting 450 7,800,000 1,350 1,550
Blade1.png Purple Blade Return 500 10,000,000 1,500 1,750
Elegant Spiked War Mace 550 12,000,000 1,700 1,981
Massive Greatsword of Striking 600 16,000,000 1,950 2,262
Crystal Flail 650 22,222,222 2,222 2,499
Titanium Axe 700 29,876,543 2,444 2,753
Crystalline Musket 750 37,373,737 2,666 2,963
Cybernetic Nova Dagger 750 N/A 2680 2980 Crafted, 2% Criticals
Pitchfork 800 47,777,777 2,888 3,222
Machete 850 58,642,085 3,111 3,444
Claymore 900 70,123,456 3,333 3,693
Halberd 950 83,333,333 3,555 3,939
War hammer 1000 100,010,001 3,842 4,242
Crystalcutlass.png Crystal Cutlass 1500 266,776,681 6,712 7,272
Hephaestus Knife 4000 738,384,000 13,828 14,882
Special / Unobtainable Weapons
Item Level Price Min DMG Max DMG
Bone Pike 1 N/A 1 10000 (fake)
Slingshot 10 N/A 10 20


Armor parts decrease the final enemy damage by x %. Block values are not true block values!

Equipment bought from the items shop will be automatically equipped.

You can equip another item with the #!use [item] command.


Item Level Price Blocks
Visor.png Red Visor 1 995 1%
Helm1.png Adventurer's Helmet 5 10,000 1%
Pinkmask.png Fuzzy pink sleep mask 25 25,000 5%
Leptocite helm.png Leptocite Helmet 40 N/A 7%
Green Hide Helmet 45 N/A 8%
Item bop banana peel by neslug.gif Banana crown 50 N/A 3%
Helm2.png Paladin's Helmet 70 1,500,000 15%
Helm3.png Dungeonkeepers pride 100 2,250,000 25%
Archhelm.png Archangel's Divine Helmet 100 2,250,000 25%
Protohelm.png Prototype alloy helmet 150 2,500,000 25%
Christmashat.png Santa hat 5 N/A 1%
Kkk-glasses.png Kool kids glasses 300 N/A 30%
Cat Ears 50 N/A 0%


Item Level Price Blocks
Redkaratebelt.png Red Karate Belt 2 1,000 1%
Belt.png Leather Belt 2 1,995 1%
Chest1.png Adventurer's Chestplate 5 10,000 1%
Pinkrobe.png Fuzzy Pink Bathrobe 25 25,000 6%
Leptocite chest.png Leptocite Chestplate 40 N/A 7%
Green Hide Chestplate 45 N/A 8%
Chest2.png Paladin's Battlewear 70 1,500,000 15%
Archchest.png Archangel's Divine Battlewear 100 2,250,000 25%
Protoplate.png Prototype Alloy Chestplate 150 2,500,000 25%
Kkk-jacket.png Kool Kids Jacket 300 N/A 30%


Item Level Price Blocks
Adventurer's Boots Adventurer's Boots 5 10,000 1%
Fuzzy Pink Slippers Fuzzy Pink Slippers 25 25,000 3%
Leptocite boots.png Leptocite Boots 40 N/A 7%
Green Hide Boots 45 N/A 8%
Paladin's Boots Paladin's Boots 70 1,500,000 15%
Archangel's Divine Boots Archangel's Divine Boots 100 2,250,000 25%
Prototype Alloy Boots Prototype Alloy Boots 150 2,500,000 25%
Kool Kids Shoes Kool Kids Shoes 300 N/A 30%


Rings increase(+) or decrease(-) the final values by x %.

Item Level Price Boost Effect
Ringofstrength.png Ring of Strength 50 50,000 1.25x Strength Boost
Ringofdefense.png Ring of Defense 50 50,000 1.25x Defense Boost
Ringofluck.png Ring of XP 50 50,000 1.25x XP Boost


Necklaces increase(+) or decrease(-) the final values by x %.

Item Level Price Boost Effect Additional
Vampiric Amulet 5 N/A 1% Gold Boost Expired Halloween Quest prize
Amulet of the Undead 5 N/A 1% XP Boost Expired Halloween Quest prize
HG Pendant 50 N/A 0% N/A No Longer Obtainable; Won from server Hunger Games events
True Warrior's Medal 1000 N/A 5% Criticals Obtainable using the #!getmedal command.
Witches Knot Pendant 60 N/A 1% Strength Telling Tales quest prize.


Tools are used to get boosts from side activities.


Item Level Skill Level Boost Obtainable
Axe 1 1 N/A 1,500 gold from shop
Copper Axe 5 2 +1 items Crafted; 4x Coal, 2x Copper Ingot, 1x Axe, 3x Oak Log
True Woodcutter 12 1 +2 items A quest about wood? reward
Zinc Axe 10 5 +2 items Crafted; 3x Zinc Ingot, 1x Oak Log, 2x Willow Log, 1x Copper Axe
Iron Axe 10 10 +3 items Crafted; 5x Iron Ingot, 1x Log, 2x Oak Log, 2x Willow Log, 1x Zinc Axe
Steel Axe 30 15 +5 items Crafted; 9x Coal, 6x Steel Ingot, 4x Willow Log, 2x Fir Log, 2x Pine Log, 1x Iron Axe
Leptocite Axe 40 30 +8 items Crafted; 4x Earth Crystal, 9x Leptocite Ingot, 1x Zinc Ingot, 2x Brass Ingot, 2x Maple Log, 1x Ash Log, 3x Poplar Log, 1x Steel Axe
Laxis Axe 100 40 +14 items; +10 Skill XP Crafted; 8x Enhancing Stone, 1x Axe, 8x Laxis Ingot, 16x Cherry Log


Item Level Skill Level Boost Obtainable
Pickaxe 1 1 N/A 1,500 gold from shop
Copper Pickaxe 5 2 +1 items Crafted; 2x Coal, 2x Copper Ingot, 1x Pickaxe, 2x Oak Log
Zinc Pickaxe 10 5 +2 items Crafted; 3x Zinc Ingot, 1x Oak Log, 1x Willow Log, 1x Copper Pickaxe
Iron Pickaxe 20 10 +3 items Crafted; 5x Iron Ingot, 2x Log, 2x Oak Log, 2x Willow Log, 1x Zinc Pickaxe
Steel Pickaxe 30 15 +5 items Crafted; 9x Coal, 6x Steel Ingot, 4x Willow Log, 1x Iron Pickaxe, 2x Fir Log, 1x Pine Log
Leptocite Pickaxe 40 30 +8 items; +5 Skill XP Crafted; 4x Fire Crystal, 9x Leptocite Ingot, 1x Zinc Ingot, 1x Brass Ingot, 2x Maple Log, 1x Steel Pickaxe, 1x Ash Log, 3 Poplar Log
Laxis Pickaxe 100 40 +14 items; +10 Skill XP Crafted; 8x Enhancing Stone, 1x Pickaxe, 8x Laxis Ingot, 16x Cherry Log

Fishing Rods

Item Level Skill Level Boost Obtainable
Fishing Rod 5 1 N/A 500 gold from shop
Angler's Rod 25 1 +2 chance Fickle Fishing quest reward
Felix's Bait Rod 100 10 +3 chance, +3 items Buy from Felix at Lemontree Plaza


Item Level Skill Level Boost Obtainable
Garland Garden Shears 30 15 +4 items Naughty or Nice Elves quest reward



It is possible to mine with the #!mine command with a pickaxe.

Item Buy Sell Description
Rock Rock N/A 1 Can be obtained from mining.
Coal Coal N/A 5 Can be obtained from mining.
Geode Geode N/A 10 Can be obtained from mining. They contain rocks and elemental shards, which can be gained by cracking the geode.
Rock Salt Rock Salt N/A 10 Can be obtained from mining.
Leptocite ore.png Leptocite Ore N/A 20 Can be obtained from mining.
Test ore Test Ore N/A 20 Can be obtained from mining.
Erinotite ore.png Erinotite Ore N/A 25 Can be obtained from mining.
Iron Ore Iron Ore N/A 100 Can be obtained from mining.
Copper ore.png Copper Ore N/A 250 Can be obtained from mining.
Zinc ore.png Zinc Ore N/A 250 Can be obtained from mining.
Gold ore N/A N/A Can be obtained from mining at Dingerou Cavern.
Silver Essence N/A N/A Can be obtained from mining at Silverkeep Altar; Level 10 Mine Skill
Miree Essence N/A N/A Mining at Miree Altar; Level 10 Mine Skill
Copper Essence N/A N/A Mining at Copperfall Altar; Level 15 Mine Skill
Frost Essence N/A N/A Mining at Frostridge Altar; Level 10 Mine Skill
Ravengate Essence N/A N/A Mining at Ravengate Altar; Level 15 Mine Skill
Sariila Essence N/A N/A Mining at Sariila Altar; Level 15 Mine Skill
Clayder Essence N/A N/A Mining at Clayder Altar; Level 10 Mine Skill
Glimmering Essence N/A N/A Mining at Glimmerhelm Altar; Level 15 Mine Skill
Aeston Essence N/A N/A Mining at Aeston Altar; Level 10 Mine Skill
Caeli Essence N/A N/A Mining at Caeli Altar; Level 15 Mine Skill
Primeval Essence N/A N/A Mining at Primeval Altar; Level 10 Mine Skill


It is possible to forage with the #!forage command.

Item Buy Sell Description
Apple Apple 80 40 Heals 65 HP
Carrot Carrot 60 40 Heals 10 HP
Cherry Cherry 40 15 Heals 15 HP
Grapes Grapes 15 5 Heals 10 HP
Magic Sapling Magic sapling N/A 500 For planting
Mushroom Mushroom 30 10 Heals 30 HP
Lemon Lemon N/A N/A Heals 25 HP
Lime N/A N/A Heals 27 HP
Egg Egg N/A 25 There's no chicken inside.
Potato Potato N/A 25 Heals 15 HP
Lychee Lychee N/A 15 Heals 5 HP
Apple Seed N/A 15 For Planting
Carrot Seed N/A 5 For Planting
Cherry Seed N/A 5 For Planting
Grape Seed N/A 5 For Planting
Olive Seed N/A 500 For Planting
Sugar Beet Seed N/A N/A For Planting
Wheat Seed N/A 30 For Planting


It is possible to chop with the #!chop command with an axe

Item Skill Level Buy Sell Location
Log Log 1 N/A 30 Everywhere
Oak Log 5 N/A N/A Silverkeep
Willow Log 10 N/A N/A Copperfall and Rivermouth
Maple Log 15 N/A N/A Copperfall
Fir Log 20 N/A N/A Frostridge
Pine Log 22 N/A N/A Frostridge
Ash Log 25 N/A N/A Redhorn
Poplar Log 30 N/A N/A Mournstead
Cherry log 30 N/A N/A Cherry Backwoods


It is possible to fish at level 5 with the #!fish command with a fishing rod.

Item Buy Sell
Freshwater fish.png Freshwater fish 200 170
Tropical fish.png Tropical fish 250 200
Blowfish Blowfish 250 210
OctopusOctopus 400 330
Crab Crab 270 220
Turtle Turtle 320 290
Snail Snail 200 170
Tuna N/A 275
Catfish N/A N/A


It is possible to trap at level 12 with the #!trap set [trap] command.

Trap Item Lvl Sell Obtainable
Bear Trap 12 400 Crafted
Felix’s Trap 50 N/A Crafted
Nova Trap 25 N/A Crafted
Nova Starlight Absorber 250 N/A Crafted
Item Trap Type Sell
Ball of Wool Ball of Wool All Traps 45
Golden Feather Golden Feather All Traps 40
Meat Meat Bear Trap; Nova Trap 115
Raven Feather Raven feather Bear Trap; Felix's Trap 35
Bear Bear Trap N/A
Immortal King's Sacrament Felix’s Trap N/A
Felix’s Fur Felix’s Trap N/A
Nova Moonstone Nova Starlight Absorber N/A
Nova Crystal Nova Starlight Absorber N/A
Star Fragment Nova Starlight Absorber N/A
Bunny Paw Nova Trap N/A
Deer Nova Trap N/A


It is possible to plant at level 15 with the #!plant set [plant] command.

Item Sell
Apple Apple 40
Carrot Carrot 40
Cherry Cherry 15
Grapes Grapes 5
Wheat Wheat 90
Olive 10
Sugar Beet N/A


Items obtainable from dungeons. Gemstones are the main treasure from dungeons.

Item Sell
Health Potion 3
Salt 1
Lemon N/A
Rock 1
Ruby Ruby N/A
Amethyst Amethyst N/A
Opal Opal N/A
Emerald Emerald N/A
Jade Jade N/A
Onyx Onyx N/A
Sapphire Sapphire N/A


It is possible to crack geodes at level 20 with the #!crack, #!crack [amount] or #!crack all command.

Item Sell
Air Shard Air Shard 125
Earth Shard Earth Shard 125
Fire Shard Fire Shard 125
Water Shard Water Shard 125
Rock Rock 1


Chests can be opened with either Air Key, Earth Key, Fire Key or Water Key to obtain one kind of items or gold at random amount except for Letter piece.

Item Sell
Rock Rock 1
Geode Geode 10
Health Potion.png Health Potion 3
Greater Health Potion Greater Health Potion N/A
Even greater health potion.png Even Greater Health Potion N/A
Letter Piece Letter Piece N/A


Items that serve the purpose of being existing in the game.

Item Level Buy Sell Use
Birthday Cake 1 N/A N/A Celebrating Mackan's nth birthday!
Kava Herb 1 N/A N/A Quest
Birthday Cake (2016) Birthday Cake (2016) 1 N/A N/A Celebrating Mackan's 17th birthday!
Bottle of Ketchup 1 N/A N/A Sauce from the gods
Celebratory CoinCelebratory Coin 1 N/A N/A Celebrating Discord Dungeons hitting 100,000 players!
Compass Compass 1 N/A N/A Used to Travel
Developer's Badge Developer's Badge 1 N/A N/A Proof that this player is/was a developer for Discord Dungeons.
Dummy item 1 N/A N/A N/A
Dummy Item 2 1 N/A N/A N/A
Dummy Item 3 1 N/A N/A N/A
Dust 1 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Fork Fork 1 N/A N/A N/A
Gold Bar Gold Bar 1 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Gravestone 1 N/A N/A N/A
Key to Discord Key to Discord 1 N/A N/A Only a god (or, in this case, a Discord App developer) can hold this key.
MOUKN Figurine MOUKN Figurine 1 N/A N/A Cult of MOUKN quest reward.
Party Hat 1 N/A N/A Celebrating DRPGBot hitting 5,000 servers!
Patron badge.png Patron Badge 1 N/A N/A Given to those who support Mackan and Discord Dungeons on patreon!
Rusty Spoon Rusty Spoon 1 N/A N/A N/A
Stats Scroll 1 N/A N/A N/A
Bone Bone 1 N/A N/A Spooktober spectacle quest item.
Eye Eye 1 N/A N/A Spooktober spectacle quest item.
Christmas Present Christmas Present 5 N/A N/A Expired Christmas 2016 item.
DRPG Birthday Present 5 N/A N/A Celebrating the DRPG one year anniversary!
Alabaster's Tooth 5 N/A N/A Trick or Treat quest item.
Undead Potion 5 N/A N/A Spooktober spectacle quest item.
Crystal Cluster Crystal Cluster 10 N/A N/A Used in crafting; used in Telling Tales quest.
Enhancing stone.png Enhancing Stone 10 100 90 Used in crafting
Business Card 12 N/A N/A Baffling Baking quest reward.
Wolf Fang 13 N/A N/A Wolf mob drop.
Wolf Pelt 13 N/A N/A Wolf mob drop.
Chest Chest 25 N/A 1,250 Mob drop at level 25+
Yeti Hair 25 N/A N/A The Cold North quest reward.
Yeti Fur 25 N/A N/A The Cold North quest item.
Ice Whale Fin 25 N/A N/A Fickle Fishing quest item.
Vodka bottle 25 2 LUX N/A Used in Crafting; Bought from Mathilda at The Sick Dahlia
Limoncello Bottle 25 N/A N/A N/A
Letter Letter 45 N/A N/A Rare collectors letter, crafted from letter pieces.
Ectoplasm 40 N/A N/A N/A
Air Crystal 25 N/A 2,010 Used in crafting
Water Crystal 25 N/A 2,010 Used in crafting
Earth Crystal 25 N/A 2,010 Used in crafting
Fire Crystal 25 N/A 2,010 Used in crafting
Air Key 30 N/A N/A Used to open chests.
Water Key 30 N/A N/A Used to open chests.
Earth Key 30 N/A N/A Used to open chests.
Fire Key 30 N/A N/A Used to open chests.
Healing Nectar 3 40 30 Used in crafting
Milk 1 200 150 Exotic Eggnog quest item.
2019 Firework 1 N/A N/A Celebrating the new year of 2019!
Asmodeus Token 1 N/A N/A Telling Tales quest item.
Bag 1 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Bag of Sugar 1 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Bottle of Olive Oil 15 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Brass Holder 11 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Brass Ingot 11 N/A 345 Used in crafting
Bunny Stew 1 N/A N/A Menu Special quest reward.
Christmas Stocking 1 N/A N/A Advent Calendar 2018
Cogwheel 25 N/A N/A The Land Above quest item.
Compass Needle 11 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Copper Ingot 10 N/A 300 Used in crafting
Dagger blade 25 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Dagger Handle 25 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Damien's Note 1 N/A N/A N/A
Demonic Feather 30 N/A N/A Mystic Gravestone quest reward.
Dirty Water Vial 7 N/A N/A Used in Telling Tales quest.
Dragon Trophy 50 N/A N/A Dragon Slayer quest reward.
Dummy Sword Blade 1 N/A N/A N/A
Dummy Sword Grip 1 N/A N/A N/A
Dummy Sword Guard 1 N/A N/A N/A
Dummy Sword Pommel 1 N/A N/A N/A
Eggnog 1 N/A N/A Exotic Eggnog quest item.
Elderflower 1 N/A N/A N/A
Empty Vial 5 N/A 128 Used in crafting
Enhanced Key 30 N/A N/A Used in Naughty or Nice Elves quest
Erinotite Ingot 75 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Felix's Pencil 1 N/A N/A N/A
Flour 10 N/A 50 Used in crafting
Flute Salad 1 N/A N/A N/A
Gauge 25 N/A N/A The Land Above quest item.
Green Dust 30 N/A N/A Used in Naughty or Nice Elves quest
Green Hide 50 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Iron Ingot 5 N/A 220 Used in crafting
Iron Sword Blade 7 N/A N/A N/A
Iron Sword Grip 7 N/A N/A N/A
Iron Sword Guard 7 N/A N/A N/A
Iron Sword Pommel 7 N/A N/A N/A
Item 500 1 N/A NA N/A
Item not Found 1 N/A N/A N/A
Khepri's Fang 10 N/A N/A How to Keep a Mummy quest item.
Knife 25 N/A N/A N/A
Knotted Mesh 20 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Laxis Ingot 250 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Laxis Ore 250 N/A N/A Used in crafting; bought from Fitz in Dawnburg
Leptocite Ingot 25 N/A 100 Used in crafting
Leptocite Sword Blade 25 N/A N/A N/A
Leptocite Sword Grip 25 N/A N/A N/A
Leptocite Sword Guard 25 N/A N/A N/A
Leptocite Sword Pommel 25 N/A N/A N/A
Leviathan Token 1 N/A N/A Telling Tales quest item.
Life Crystal 50 N/A N/A Mystic Gravestone quest item; Used in Crafting.
Liveroot 24 N/A N/A Dragon Slayer quest item.
Lotus Blossom 20 N/A N/A Meditative Magic quest item.
Mackans 19th Birthday Cake 1 N/A N/A Celebrating Mackan's 19th birthday!
Magic Wand 30 N/A N/A Bakoushi's Bunny quest reward.
Money Bag (100k) 1 N/A N/A N/A
Mummy 10 N/A N/A How to Keep a Mummy quest reward.
Nail 5 N/A N/A N/A
Namazu Fin 30 N/A N/A Quest for the Namazu quest item.
Nova Power Cell 250 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Nova Lily 500 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Nova Shard 25 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Novasteel Ingot 25 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Stardust 250 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Starmetal Ingot 250 N/A 1,220 Used in crafting
Nut and Bolt 25 N/A N/A The Land Above quest item.
Oil Spatula 1 N/A N/A Menu Specials quest item.
Piston 25 N/A N/A The Land Above quest item.
Pizza Dough 15 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Plain Sweater 30 N/A N/A Bakoushi's Bunny quest item.
Plank 10 N/A 7 Used in crafting
Roasted Bunny 1 N/A N/A Menu Special quest reward.
Santas Sack 30 N/A N/A No Sleigh Bells are Ringing quest reward.
Sand 2 N/A N/A Used in crafting
Sandy Toilet Paper 50 N/A N/A Mummy mob drop.
Skull 25 N/A N/A Mystic Gravestone quest item.
Sludge Vial 1 N/A N/A N/A
Snow Globe 1 N/A N/A Advent Calendar 2019
Special Stick 12 N/A N/A A quest about wood? quest item.
Spoon 1 N/A N/A N/A
Spring 25 N/A N/A The Land Above quest item.
String 23 N/A 80 Used in crafting
Tier 1 Chest 1 N/A N/A N/A
Tier 2 Chest 1 N/A N/A N/A
Tier 3 Chest 1 N/A N/A N/A
Zinc Ingot 10 N/A 300 Used in crafting
Item Level Obtainable
Aestom Rune 50 Crafted
Clayder Rune 100 Crafted
Glimmerhelm Rune 75 Crafted
Caeli Rune 125 Crafted
Copperfall Rune 25 Crafted
Frostridge Rune 30 Crafted
Miree Rune 20 Crafted
Ravengate Rune 30 Crafted
Rivermouth Rune 20 Unobtainable/Unreleased
Sariila Rune 30 Crafted
Silverkeep Rune 20 Crafted
Lemontree Rune 25 Crafted
Item Level Pages Author Obtainable
Cryptogram Booklet 30 1 Alsatian#0805 Naughty or Nice Elves quest reward
Edgards Journal 3 3 9thEmpyrean#9061 N/A
Felix's Book 1 1 Felix Argyle#8010 Buy from Felix at Lemontree Plaza
Lemonlie 3 3 Meek#7714 Use #!search at Bibliothecam Magnam
The History of the Terist 3 3 Huge Succeeded#4799 Buy from Felix at Lemontree Plaza
The False God of Copperfall 3 3 Meek#7714 N/A
The Laughter Below 3 4 Meek#7714 N/A

Exclusive/Unobtainable Items

Exclusive Weapons
Item Level Price Min DMG Max DMG
Fists Fists 1 N/A 0 0
The Smallest Dagger 1 N/A 1 1
Conceptionist's Knowledge Conceptionist's Knowledge 1 N/A 750 1,250
Red Scissor Blade Red Scissor Blade 1 N/A 1,250 1,750
Guild Master's Pride Guild Master's Pride 1 N/A 1,000 5,000
CodeSlasher CodeSlasher 1 N/A 420 1,337
스틱 1 N/A 2 6
Unicorn Horn Unicorn Horn 5 N/A 20 25
Umbra Staff 5 N/A 9 15
Ragnar's Blade 5 N/A 10 16
Zangetsu Bankai Sword Zangetsu Bankai Sword 5 N/A 20 25
Blood Magic Blood Magic 10 N/A 66 86
Fiery Perce of The Shadow Monster 20 N/A 60 66
Book of Terrible Puns 20 N/A 66 77
Ragnarok 20 N/A 66 77
Duck of Doom Duck of Doom 25 N/A 86 96
Forehead Flick Forehead Flick 25 N/A 75 100
Lawgiver 25 N/A 75 100
Mew's Claws Mew's Claws 50 N/A 185 200
DungeonKeeper's Wrath DungeonKeeper's Wrath 56 N/A 200 250
Elucidator And Dark Repulser 56 N/A 230 255
Tomato Tomato 60 N/A 170 190
Pencil 65 N/A 220 255
Lance of Longinus Lance of Longinus 70 N/A 200 220
Purple Blade Purple Blade 100 N/A 100 150
Bacon-hafted longsword Bacon-hafted longsword 140 N/A 400 600
Bloodlust 150 N/A 440 460
Sharpened SickleSickle of Slicing 200 N/A 588 688
Orange Blade Orange Blade 148 N/A 408 488
Luna Card Luna Card 222 N/A 567 678
Supernova Sword Supernova Sword 250 N/A 650 750
Sword of the wise.png Sword of the Wise 260 N/A 800 899
Vorpal Waraxe Vorpal Waraxe 300 N/A 922 999
Trisided Triangle Tee Trisided Triangle Tee 333 N/A 999 1,111
Vorpal Hacksaw of Hacking 375 N/A 1,250 1,408
Sharp Piece of Glass 425 N/A 1,400 1,589
Vorpal Paper of Cutting Vorpal Paper of Cutting 475 N/A 1,550 1,750
Cleaver of cleaving.png Cleaver of Cleaving 525 N/A 1,750 1,900
Philosopher's Voice 600 N/A 2,340 2,715
Shining katana of miracles.png Shining Katana of Miracles 625 N/A 2,250 2,562
Item Level Type Price Effect
Bratanium Boots 1 Boots N/A 25%
Moonlit Ruby Moonlit Ruby 333 Boots N/A 30%
Moonlitchest.png Moonlit Amethyst 333 Chestplate N/A 30%
Turtle Shell 30 Chestplate N/A 10%
Truewarriorsmedal.png True Warrior's Medal 1,000 Chestplate N/A 15%
Medalofagod.png Medal of a God 1,000,000 Chestplate N/A 45%
Bratanium Chestplate 1 Chestplate N/A 50%
Earthrobe.png Earth Alchemist Robe 100 Chestplate N/A 25%
Knowledge Enhancer 1 Helmet N/A 25%
Beard 69 Helmet N/A 15%
Stupidhelm.png Stupid helmet 10 Helmet N/A 3%
Moonlitsapphire.png Moonlit sapphire 333 Helmet N/A 30%
Exclusive Rings
Item Level Boost Effect
Ancient Defender of Lolis 1 1.5x Defense Boost
Ancient Ring 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Baby Turtle 1 1.5x Luck Boost
The Bejewelled Ring of Kismet 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Boring Ring 1 1.5x Strength Boost
Broken Ring of Bad Luck 1 1.49x Luck Boost
Burnt Muffin 1 1.5x Strength Boost
Fates blessing Fates Blessing 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Felix Ring 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Chain.png Fenrir's Gleipnir 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Gabriels essence.png Gabriel's Essence 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Golden Muffin 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Golden Transponder Snail 1 1.2x Strength Boost
Heart locket.png Heart Shaped Locket 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Ikith's Feather 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Impoerfect Left-Half Heart Ring 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Impoerfect Right-Half Heart Ring 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Legolas's Grace 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Luck-of-the-moon.png Luck of the moon 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Lily.png Magical Lily 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Mimi's Wedding Band 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Moonlitjade.png Moonlit Jade 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Muffin Ring 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Muffin liner.png Muffin Liner 1 1.5x Luck Boost
My Precious 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Nefer's Claw 1 1.5x Strength Boost
Never Lucky 1 1.5x Luck Boost
One Ring 1 1.5x Strength Boost
Philosopher's Stone 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Promise Ring Promise Ring 1 1.5x Strength Boost
Ribbon of Ancients 1 1.5x Strength Boost
Ring of Gainz 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Ring of Gyges 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Ring of Souls -1 1.5x Luck Boost
Ring of Tranquility 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Ring Pop 1 1.5x Strength Boost
Seasonal flower.png Seasonal Flower 1 5x Charisma Boost
Seraphring.png Seraph's Ring 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Shiny Bell 1 1.5x Luck Boost
The shunk of luck.png The Skunk of Luck 1 1.25x Luck Boost
Smee's Signet 1 1.5x Luck Boost
SuffeRing 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Tin Foil Star 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Unlucky Ring 1 1.5x Luck Boost
Vongola Ring 1 1.5x XP Boost
Tomb.png Tome of All Knowing 5 1.3x Strength Boost
Nox's Ring 100 1.5x Luck Boost
Ringofluck.png Rune-Etched Ring 150 1.5x Luck Boost
Exclusive Necklaces
Item Level Boost Effect
Yui's Heart 1 1% XP Boost
  • Exclusive items are usually donator or developer items. However, some donator items (such as Toast) are able to be bought.

Item ID List

A list of ID of every item in Discord Dungeons can be found here.