Starter guide

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Welcome to Discord Dungeons! Here you will learn essential information for your journey at Discord Dungeons.

Getting Started

To begin, do /stats to create your character.


Every level you reach, you will gain 5 attribute points. You can assign these points using /s assign attribute:stat amount:amount.

Here are the possible stats to assign stat points with: XP Boost, Gold Boost, Criticals, Reaping, Salvaging, Strength, Lumber Boost, Mine Boost, Defense, Scavenging, Taming

Unsure which stat builds to do or not sure which stats to assign points with? Here is the most recommended stat build to follow at the moment:

 * A build focused on Strength and XP Boost.
 * A build focused on XP Boost.

Made a mistake at assigning your stat points? You can use /s Reset command to completely reset your character.

Warning! This will reset all your Discord Dungeons progress and it is not reversible!

Alternatively, you can purchase Attribute Scroll to reset all of your assigned stat points without resetting all of your Discord Dungeons progress. This item costs 10m gold!

Clipboard.png If an attribute needs 10 attribute points for 1%, there is no gain in investing less than 10 points in it, 9 points mean 0%, not 0.9%.

By this point, you are now ready to start your first adventure. Let's go to the next section of the guide!

Adventures and Side Activities

Now you will learn about adventures and side activities, which is the main part of Discord Dungeons!


To begin an adventure, you can type either /adv. If you need to flee from battle, you can do so by entering /adv Run:true.

Bulbgraph.png Cooldown for adventure commands are 14 seconds. This means you can only use it once per 14 seconds.

Bulbgraph.png You will need to use Health Potion to keep your HP in the green. To use Health Potion, you can do so by entering /heal amount:<amount / auto> or /use item:Health Potion quantity:amount. Each Health Potion heals 50 HP!

Bulbgraph.png If you get knocked out by monster, there will be a guardian angel to revive you and heal you to 25% of your Max HP. But be careful, they will take 0~60% of your current gold as a fee!

Side Activities

Next is the side activities. By performing side activities, you can earn a good amount of items with high sell value, and gain Skill XP!

Here are the list of side activities you can perform in Discord Dungeons:

 * /mine - Affected by Mine Boost and Mining Skill Level
 * /forage - Affected by Scavenging and Foraging Skill Level
 * /chop - Affected by Lumber Boost and Chopping Skill Level
 * /fish (Level 5 required)
 * /trap - Affected by wait time, Salvaging and other factors (Level 12 required)
 * /plant - Affected by wait time, Reaping and other factors (Level 15 required)
 * /crack amount:quantity (Level 20 required)

Bulbgraph.png Here are the cooldowns for side activities:

 * /mine, /forage, /chop, and /fish have a cooldown of 5 minutes.\\
 * /trap, /plant, and /crack have a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Further Reading

If you need additional information about side activities, you can find it here.


Have you ever got into a situation where you do not have enough Health Potion during a battle? You are in luck, as we are going to cover the market basics!

Normal Market

Normal Market is an item shop offered by Discord Dungeons Item Shop.

To look up the current normal items list, you can do so by entering /items , or search by filter or item name /items name:item filter:filter.

To purchase an item, you can do so by entering /buy name:item amount:quantity. To sell an item, you can do so by entering /sell name:item amount:quantity.

Global Market

If you want to buy something from the market, use the global selling market.

If you want to sell something to the market, use the global buying market.

If you can't find what you want on a market, use the other market to create a listing for your item.


/m buy offer:string - (buy from a selling offer)

/m list offers market:Selling Trades - (list market offers for selling trades)

/m create selling item:Log amount:30 price:300 - (creates a selling trade)


/m sell offer:string - (sell to a buying offer)

/m list offers market:Buying Trades - (list market offers for buying trades)

/m create buying item:Log amount:30 price:300 - (creates a selling trade)


/m offer id:string - (offer context)

/m cancel id:string - (cancels trade)

/m info item:string - (show market limits of an item)

/m list user market:string - (list market offers of given user + market)

Bulbgraph.png Please note that the maximum amount of active trades you can have at the moment are 5, and 10 for users with DRPG Membership.

Further Reading

For more information about normal and Global Market, you can check it here.


Playing Discord Dungeons with friends and other people can be rather one of a kind experience! Let's start from the basics.

Creating New Guild

You can create a guild if your level is 5 or above. You can do so by typing /g create name:name.

Checking Guild Information

You can check guild info by entering the command /g info name:name.

Joining New Guild

To join a guild which is open, you can just join the guild by entering /g join name:name.

To join a guild which is invite-only, you will need to obtain an invite.

Further Reading

If you need more information about guilds, you can find it here.

Help and Lists of Commands

Need other commands you want to check and research for your Discord Dungeons journey? You can do so by using / and exploring commands under the DiscordRPG Bot or check out the commands page.

If you need help or information of a certain command, you can use /help command command:command.

Congratulations, now you know all of the basics of Discord Dungeons! We hope you enjoy playing and feel free to visit us at the official Discord Dungeons Discord server!