Felix's Bait Rod

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It is a Fishing Rod obtained from Felix in Lemontree Plaza. It costs 20 Lux.

Felix's Bait Rod
File:Felixs Bait Rod.png
Felix gives this powerful rod to all adventures that want to take on and catch catfish.
Released? (edit)
Members? (edit)
Donator item? (edit)
Buy Price20 Lux
Sell PriceUnsellable
Craftable? (edit)
Brewable? (edit)
Quest? (edit)
Fishing Rod
TypeFishing Rod
Skill Level10
Tool Effect+3 Item Boost & +3 Catch Chance

Item Sources

Item sources

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SellerLocationBuyable forSellable forMembers?
FelixLemontree Plaza20 LUXN/ANo