Potion of Wonders

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<WRAP half box group> <WRAP centeralign>

Potion of Wonders


//Gives you a slight uplifting sensation.//

<WRAP 10% leftalign column> \\ </WRAP>

<WRAP 35% leftalign column>

    • ID:**\\
    • Level:**\\
    • Effects:**\\

\\ \\ \\ \\ \\

    • <color #fff266>Buy Price</color>:**\\
    • <color #fff266>Sell Price</color>:**\\
    • Obtainable From:**\\
    • Tradeable:** \\


<WRAP 30% leftalign column> 289\\ 5\\ Charisma: 1.1x; Defense: 1.1x, Luck: 1.1x, Strength: 1.1x\\ <color #fff266>Unbuyable</color>\\ <color #fff266>Unsellable</color>\\ Unobtainable\\ <color #ff0000>No</color> </WRAP> </WRAP> </WRAP>