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#!setperm is the command used to change the permissions of the member or elder roles in a guild, or change permissions of a specific user.

To convert the numbers, go to

Role Permissions

To set perms for Elder and Member roles type #!setperm --role -p +/-PERM_NODES

Replace --role with --member or --elder.

The + or - before PERM_NODES depends on if you want to add or remove the permission.

You can update multiple perms at once.

Elders have base perm nodes: change_description, invite_members, buy_items, deposit_gold, withdraw_gold, deposit_items, withdraw_items, see_inventory

Members have base perm nodes: deposit_gold, deposit_items, see_inventory

User Permissions

To set perms for Specific Users type #!setperm @user -p +/-PERM_NODES

Replace @user with the person you want to change perms of.

You can update multiple users and perms at once

Permission Nodes

The following table shows the name of each permission node you are able to change.

Permission Allows
CHANGE_ICON allows users to change the "guild icon"
CHANGE_NAME allows users to change the "guild name"
CHANGE_AVAILABILITY allows users to change the "guilds availability" (open or closed)
CHANGE_DESCRIPTION allows users to change the "guild description"
CHANGE_ROLE_COLOR allows users to change the "guilds role color" (in the DRPG Server)
CHANGE_ROLES allows users to change the "guild roles"
CHANGE_LEVEL_REQ allows users to change the "guilds level requirement"
CHANGE_TAG allows users to change the "guild tag"
CHANGE_DIPLAY allows users to change the "guilds display type"
CHANGE_DISPLAY_COLOR allows users to change the "guilds display color"
CHANGE_CUSTOM_ICON_ENABLED allows users to change if the guild has a custom icon enabled
CHANGE_IMAGETYPE allows users to change the "guilds image type" on modern displays
CHANGE_IMAGE allows users to change the "guild image" on modern displays
CHANGE_MENTIONABLE allows users to change if the "guild role is mentionable"
INVITE_MEMBERS allows users to "invite members"
KICK_USERS allows users to "kick members"
BUY_ITEMS allows users to "buy guild items" for the guild
DEPOSIT_GOLD allows users to "deposit gold"
WITHDRAW_GOLD allows users to "withdraw gold"
DEPOSIT_ITEMS allows users to "deposit items"
WITHDRAW_ITEMS allows users to "withdraw items"
MANAGE_PERMISSIONS allows users to "manage the permissions" of the guild (this is dangerous)
MANAGE_ALLIES allows users to manage the "guilds allies"
SEE_INVENTORY allows users to "see the guild inventory"
ADVERTISE_GUILD allows users to "advertise the guild" in the official server
BUY_ICONS allows users to "buy guild icons" for the guild
CHANGE_CUSTOM_ICON allows users to "change the custom guild icon"
VIEW_AUDIT_LOG allows users to view the "audit log"

More Information

Guild Commands