The game has 3 shops. The inbuilt shop, the global market and the guild shop
Inbuilt Shop
You can check a list of items by using #!items [page]
and retrieve the details of an item with #!item [item]
The #!buy
command is used to buy from the #!items
Command Format: #!buy <item> [amount]
Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Global Market
The global market allows player to sell or buy items from other players.
#!gmglist [page]
- Lists all selling trades.#!gmsearch [item] [page]
- Searches for selling trades of said item on the global market.#!gmsell [item] [amount to sell] [price per item]
- Puts a selling trade up on the global market.#!gmbuy [trade id] [amount to buy]
- Executes a selling trade on the global market for the specified quantity of items.#!gblist [page]
- Lists all buying trades.#!gbsearch [item] [page]
- Searches for buying trades of said item on the global market.#!gbbuy [item] [amount to buy] [price per item]
- Puts a buying trade up on the global market.#!gbsell [trade id] [amount to buy]
- Executes a buying trade on the global market for the specified quantity of items.#!gmstop [trade id]
- Ends a trade, returning gold and unsold items or items and unspent gold to your inventory.#!gmlist [pagenumber]
- Lists your trades.
Note: A maximum of 5 trades can be put up at the same time, and 10 trades for users with DRPG Membership.
Further Reading
To get more in depth information on how to use the global market commands, click here.
Market Guidelines
Please do not abuse the global market, or put an excessively high or low priced listing at global market.
Guild Shop
In order to get a list of guild items do #!gitems [page]
, and use #!gitem <item>
to get the details.
Guild items are purchasable by used with permission only. To view the list of guild commands, and uses for the guild items, click here.
!===== [Guild Items (Page 1/1)] =====! + Guild Sign - 80 Gold {Lvl. 1} + Guild Tag - 1,000 Gold {Lvl. 1} + Guild Slot Expansion - 1,500 Gold {Lvl. 1} + Dedicated Role - 1,000,000 Gold {Lvl. 1} + Guild Display Upgrade - 5,000,000 Gold {Lvl. 1} + Custom Guild Icon - 5,000,000 Gold {Lvl. 1} + Custom Guild Image - 7,500,000 Gold {Lvl. 1} + Dedicated Channel - 10,000,000 Gold {Lvl. 1} % Dummy GUILD item - UNBUYABLE {Lvl. 1} % Dummy Guild Item 2 - UNBUYABLE {Lvl. 1} % Dummy Guild Item 3 - UNBUYABLE {Lvl. 1} % This Guild is Cool Stamp - UNBUYABLE {Lvl. 1} !==================================!