Global Market

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Here you will learn more information about the Global Market (GM) and its commands, so you can begin earning more gold!

What is the Global Market

The global market allows player to sell or buy items from other players. Anyone can set up trades to sell or buy items, or execute a command to sell or buy someone else items.

There is a maximum of 5 trades per user, with users with DRPG Membership having a maximum of 10 trades!

How to see all Trades

You can easily view all items that are currently being sold or bought on the global market with two commands.

#!gmglist [page] shows you all the items people are currently SELLING on the GM.

#!gblist [page] shows you all the items people are currently BUYING on the GM.

#!gmlist shows you all the items YOU have put up on the GM. If the trade is yet to be fully satisfied the text will appear in a red coloration. If the trade has been fully satisfied, the text will appear in a green coloration.

Note: You can set up react paging in order to use reactions to turn pages using #!uset reactPaging 1, see more info on uset here.

How to Search for Specific Items

You can quickly find an item by using the two commands below.

#!gmsearch <item> shows you all the trades SELLING that item on the GM.

#!gbsearch <item> shows you all the trades BUYING that item on the GM.

Note: When searching for an item, always use the SINGULAR form of the word. Example, when searching for Rocks, only use the singular form "Rock".

How to Sell Items

You can sell your items either by setting up your own trade or selling to someone else.

#!gmsell <item> <amount of items> <price per item> is used to set up your own selling trade.

Example: If you want to sell 500 Lemons for 100 gold each, you would do #!gmsell lemon 500 100

Using this command you will have to WAIT for a user to buy your item. If someone buys one of your items, the DRPG bot will DM you telling you who and how many of your item was sold. When your trade is fully sold, or whenever you want to, you may stop your trade using #!gmstop. Any items not sold will be sent back to your inventory.

#!gbsell <trade ID> <amount to sell> is used to sell to someone elses trade.

Example: If you want to sell 100 Lemons to someones trade jhgf1234, you would do #!gbsell jhgf1234 100

Using this command you automatically get the gold from the trade and dont need to do anything else! The default amount to sell is one.

How to Buy Items

You can buy items either by setting up your own trade or buying from someone else.

#!gbbuy <item> <amount of items> <price per item> is used to set up your own buying trade.

Example: If you want to buy 500 Rocks for 90 gold each, you would do #!gbbuy rock 500 10.

When setting up your own trade, you will have to pay an extra 10% for taxes, thus you will need to have and pay 5000g (500*10) + 500g (5000/10), for a total of 5,500g, in your inventory to set up this trade.

Using this command you will have to WAIT for users to sell items to you. If someone sells to you, the DRPG bot will DM you telling you who and how many of that item was sold to you. When your trade is fully bought, or whenever you want to, you may stop your trade using #!gmstop. The remaining gold and items you bought will be sent to your inventory.

#!gmbuy <trade ID> <amount to buy> is used to buy from someone elses trade.

Example: If you want to buy 100 Rocks from someone trade jjgg9090, you would do #!gmbuy jjgg9090 100

Using this command you automatically get the items you bought and dont need to do anything else! The default is set to one.

How to Stop a Trade

#!gmstop <trade ID> stops your own trade. Using this command sends all gold and/or items back to your inventory.

More Global Market Information

#!gminfo <trade ID> shows you detailed info on that specific trade.

Be sure to set your trade display to setting 2 using the command #!uset tradeDisplay 2 in order to view all the information of a trade. The information includes the trade owners name and ID, the item, the price, the trade ID, and the amount already bought or sold.

Global Market commands are quite similar, thus one mistake may show an incorrect command, be sure you are using the correct command when using the GM!

Market Guidelines

Market & Economy Rules

1. If an item has a price limit in #!MarketInfo then private trades must adhere to this limit.

2. Large, unsolicited donations to strangers may result in a donation ban if believed to be abusive. Giveaways and player-hosted-event rewards are not typically considered abusive.

3. Using the market with the intention to hide or store gold is not permitted. The market is for trading. Whether an activity is considered abusive is up to the moderators, and they may issue market or donation bans as they deem necessary.