Module:Store locations list: Difference between revisions

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(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 189: Line 189:
mw.log("sellvalue", sellvalue)
mw.log("sellvalue", sellvalue)
mw.log("is 1e10", sellvalue == 1e10)
mw.log("sell is 1e10", tonumber(sellvalue) == 1e10)

     if not(sellvalue =='N/A') and not(tonumber(sellvalue) == 1e10) then
     if not(sellvalue =='N/A') and not(tonumber(sellvalue) == 1e10) then
Line 220: Line 220:

mw.log("buyvalue", buyvalue)
mw.log("buyvalue", buyvalue)
mw.log("buy is 1e10", tonumber(buyvalue) == 1e10)

     if not(buyvalue == 'N/A') and not(tonumber(buyvalue) == 1e10) then
     if not(buyvalue == 'N/A') and not(tonumber(buyvalue) == 1e10) then
         buyvalue = tonumber(buyvalue)
         buyvalue = tonumber(buyvalue)
mw.log("buyvalue 2", buyvalue)
         if buyvalue then
         if buyvalue then
             buySortValue = buyvalue
             buySortValue = buyvalue
Line 235: Line 240:
             --    buyvalue = currencyImg .. buyvalue
             --    buyvalue = currencyImg .. buyvalue
             -- end
             -- end
buySortValue = buyvalue
buyvalue = editbtn -- If buyvalue can't be converted to a number it will default to the edit button
            buyvalue = 'N/A' -- If sellvalue can't be converted to a number it will default to the edit button
buySortValue = buyvalue
buyvalue = 'N/A'
     -- members only?
     -- members only?

Latest revision as of 13:00, 4 April 2022

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Store locations list/doc

-- Module for [[Template:Store_locations_list]]

-- <pre>
local p = {}

local commas = require("Module:Addcommas")._add
local params = require('Module:Paramtest')
local yesNo = require("Module:Yesno")
local purge = require("Module:Purge")._purge
local inspect = require("Module:Inspect")

--local p2pIcon = '[[File:Member icon.png|frameless|link=Pay-to-play]]'
--local f2pIcon = '[[File:Free-to-play icon.png|frameless|link=Free-to-play]]'

local p2pIcon = 'Yes'
local f2pIcon = 'No'

function p.main(frame)
    return p._main(frame:getParent().args)

function p._main(args)
    local item, limit = params.defaults{
                            {args[1], mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text},
                            {args.Limit, 500}
    mw.log(string.format('Searching for shops that sell: %s', item))

    -- Get parsed smw data
    local data = p.getData(item, limit)

    -- Create the header of the output
    local headerText = "<div class=\"seealso\">This list was created dynamically. For help, see [[Template:Store locations list/FAQ|the FAQ]]. "
        .. "To force an update of this list, click " .. purge('res', 'here', 'span') .. ".</div>\n"
    local restbl = mw.html.create('table')
    restbl:addClass('wikitable sortable align-center-3 align-center-4 align-center-5 align-center-6 align-center-7')
            :tag('th'):wikitext('Buyable for'):attr('data-sort-type', 'number'):done()
            :tag('th'):wikitext('Sellable for'):attr('data-sort-type', 'number'):done()

	local function addShopRow(shop, location)

    -- Create the rows for the output table
    for _, shop in ipairs(data) do    	
    	for i, location in ipairs(shop.location) do
	        addShopRow(shop, location)
		if #shop.location == 0 then
			addShopRow(shop, 'N/A')

    return headerText .. tostring(restbl)

function p.getData(itemName, limit)
    -- Query smw
    local q = {
        '[[Sold item::'..itemName..']]',
        '?Sold by',
        '?Sold by.Store Is members only = Store Is members only',
        '?Sold by.Store location = Store location',
        '?Sold by.Has subobject.Store location=Store location subobj',
        '?Sold by.Is members only = Is members only',
        '?Sold by.NPC location = NPC location',
		'?Sold item Members',
        '?Sold by.Has subobject.NPC location=NPC location subobj',
        '?Sold item image',
        '?Sold item',
        '?Sold item text',
        '?Store sell price #',
        '?Store buy price #',
        '?Store currency #',
        '?Store notes',
        '?Members #',
		'?Is members only #',
        offset = 0,
        limit = limit or 500,
    local t1 = os.clock()
    local smwdata = mw.smw.ask(q)
    local t2 = os.clock()
    local data = {}

    if smwdata == nil then
        error('The item "' .. itemName .. '" is not sold in any shop, please check for typos[[Category:Empty store lists]]', 0)
    mw.log(string.format('SMW (store locations list): entries: %d, time elapsed: %.3f ms.', #smwdata, (t2 - t1) * 1000))

    table.sort(smwdata, function(a, b) return b['Store sell price'] < a['Store sell price'] end)

    -- Iterate through each shop instance of item
    for _, item in ipairs(smwdata) do
        local members, location, region = {}, {}, {}

        if type(item['Store Is members only']) == 'boolean' then
            table.insert(members, item['Store Is members only'])
        elseif type(item['Is members only']) == 'boolean' then
            table.insert(members, item['Is members only'])
		elseif type(item['Is members only']) == 'string' then
            table.insert(members, item['Is members only'])
        if type(item['Store location subobj']) == 'table' then
            for _, v in ipairs(item['Store location subobj']) do
                table.insert(location, v)
        elseif type(item['Store location']) == 'string' then
            table.insert(location, item['Store location'])
        elseif type(item['NPC location subobj']) == 'table' then
            for _, v in ipairs(item['NPC location subobj']) do
                table.insert(location, v)
        elseif type(item['NPC location']) == 'string' then
            table.insert(location, item['NPC location'])

        item['Location'] = location
        -- item['Region'] = region

        if #members == 1 then
            item['Members'] = members[1]
            item['Members'] = members

        -- Loop over smw return items
        -- item['Store location'] = 'x'
        -- item['Store Is members only'] = 'Yes'
        -- Process the item and add it to the final data table
        local dataline = p.processData(item, editbtn)

        table.insert(data, dataline)

    return data

function p.processData(item, editbtn)
    local seller = item['Sold by'] or ""
    local namenotes = item['Store notes']
    if namenotes then
        seller = seller .. ' ' .. namenotes
    local location = item['Location']
    --local region = item['Region']

    if type(location) == 'table' and #location == 0 then
        location = {editbtn}

    if type(region) == 'table' and #region == 0 then
        region = {editbtn}
    local currency = item['Store currency']

    local sellvalue = item['Store sell price'] or ''
    local sellSortValue = 0
	mw.log("sellvalue", sellvalue)
	mw.log("sell is 1e10", tonumber(sellvalue) == 1e10)

    if not(sellvalue =='N/A') and not(tonumber(sellvalue) == 1e10) then
        sellvalue = tonumber(sellvalue)

        if sellvalue then
            sellSortValue = sellvalue
            sellvalue = commas(sellvalue)
            local currencyImg =  ''

			sellvalue = string.format('%s [[%s]]', sellvalue, currency)

            -- if(params.has_content(currencyImg)) then
            --     currencyImg = string.format('[[File:%s|link=%s]] ', currencyImg, currency)
            --     sellvalue = currencyImg .. sellvalue
            -- end
            sellvalue = editbtn    -- If sellvalue can't be converted to a number it will default to the edit button
        sellSortValue = sellvalue
        sellvalue = 'N/A'

	mw.log("sellvalue 2", sellvalue)

    local buyvalue = item['Store buy price'] or ''
    local buySortValue = 0

	mw.log("buyvalue", buyvalue)
	mw.log("buy is 1e10", tonumber(buyvalue) == 1e10)

    if not(buyvalue == 'N/A') and not(tonumber(buyvalue) == 1e10) then
        buyvalue = tonumber(buyvalue)
		mw.log("buyvalue 2", buyvalue)

        if buyvalue then
            buySortValue = buyvalue
            buyvalue = commas(buyvalue)

			buyvalue = string.format('%s [[%s]]', buyvalue, currency)

            -- local currencyImg = ''
            -- if(params.has_content(currencyImg)) then
            --     currencyImg = string.format('[[File:%s|link=%s]] ', currencyImg, currency)
            --     buyvalue = currencyImg .. buyvalue
            -- end
			buyvalue = editbtn -- If buyvalue can't be converted to a number it will default to the edit button
		buySortValue = buyvalue
		buyvalue = 'N/A'
    -- members only?
    local members = item['Members']

    if type(members) == 'table' then
        -- contains yes and/or no
        local hasYes, hasNo = false, false
        for _, value in ipairs(members) do
            if yesNo(value) then
                hasYes = true
            elseif not(yesNo(value)) then
                hasNo = true
        if hasYes and hasNo then
            members = f2pIcon.."/"..p2pIcon
        elseif hasYes then
            members = p2pIcon
        elseif hasNo then
            members = f2pIcon
            members = editbtn -- Unsupported type for yesNo, default to editbtn
    elseif yesNo(members) then
        members = p2pIcon
    elseif not(yesNo(members)) then
        members = f2pIcon
    else -- Unsupported type for yesNo, default to editbtn
        members = editbtn

    return {
        seller = seller,
        location = location,
        region = region,
        sellvalue = sellvalue,
        sellSortValue = sellSortValue,
        buyvalue = buyvalue,
        buySortValue = buySortValue,
        members = members

function editbutton(title)
    local link = string.gsub(mw.title.getCurrentTitle():fullUrl("action=edit"), mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText, title)
    link = string.gsub(link, ' ', '_')
    link = string.format("<span class='plainlinks'>[%s '''?''' (edit)]</span>", link)
    return link

return p